Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis defended his PhD dissertation on Dynamic destination and transport mode estimation for interdependent trips under spatio-temporal variations, July 2017

Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis defended his PhD dissertation titled: “Dynamic destination and transport mode estimation for interdependent trips under spatio-temporal variations”, on July 12th 2017. This PhD thesis was carried out at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens under the supervision of Emeritus Professor Antony Stathopoulos.

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10th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, June 2017

The 10th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, took place with great success in Athens at Divani Caravel Hotel, from June 28th to June 30th 2017, co-organised by the Laboratory of Pavement Engineering of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering – NTUA, the University of Illinois and TU DELFT.

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NTUA – PostDoc Marie Curie Individual Fellowships 2017

NTUA is inviting experienced researchers established outside Greece, who would like to pursue a PostDoc research programme at the NTUA Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, to apply for European or Global Fellowships of the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Programme of the European Commission (deadline: September 14th, 2017). Read more

Presentation of the Department to the Civil Engineering School students, May 2017

On Tuesday 23 May 2016, Professor George Yannis of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of NTUA, presented the transportation engineering courses cycle to the Civil Engineering undergraduate students of the 6th semester, within the framework of the information event for the courses’ cycles organized by the School of Civil Engineering.

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NTUA – The Future of Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2017

NTUA within the framework of the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week organised with great success a Workshop titled “The Future of Road Safety Research” on 15 May 2017 at the NTUA Campus in Athens.  Read more

Diploma Theses Exams, March 2017

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with great success on March, 21st, 2017.

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Ioanna Pagoni defended her PhD dissertation on Passenger travel choices and airline responses under market-based environmental policies, February 2017

Ioanna Pagoni has successfully defended, on February 21st 2017, her PhD dissertation titled: “Passenger travel choices and airline responses under market-based environmental policies using discrete choice modeling and game theory”.

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Emeritus Professor John Frantzeskakis, 1930 – 2017

John Frantzeskakis, Emeritus Professor of the School of Civil Engineering NTUA and Chairman of the School, Director of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering and of the Traffic Engineering Laboratory,  passed away on February 12th 2017.

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Apostolos Chr. Yotis Award to the students of the School of Civil Engineering

The National Technical University of Athens introduces the “Apostolos Chr. Yotis” Award, to honour the late Emeritus Professor Apostolos Yotis, upon recommendation of his family.

The award will be given to the student who will gather the highest average grade at the mandatory courses Highway Engineering I (5th semester), Highway Engineering II (6th semester) and at the mandatory of cycle course Pavements (8th semester), according to the current Undergraduate Studies Program of the School of Civil Engineering.

The award is accompanied by a prize of  1.000€  annually for the first two years and of at least 500€ in the next years.


New Year Event at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, February 2017

The New Year Event of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with great success on Friday, February 3rd , 2017, at 15:30, at the Amphitheater of Railways and Transport with the participation of more than 60 members and students of the Department and the School of Civil Engineering.

Anastasia Argyropoulou student of the School of Civil Engineering awarded with “Apostolos Chr. Yotis” Award, December 2016

Anastasia Argyropoulou, student of the School of Civil Engineering NTUA, has been awarded with “Apostolos Chr. Yotis” Award, for the highest average grade at the mandatory courses Highway Engineering I (5th semester), Highway Engineering II (6th semester) and at the mandatory of cycle course Pavements (8th semester), during the academic year 2015-2016.


Five DTPE PhD and one Graduate student awarded with the NTUA Thomaidion Award, November 2016

Maria Konstantinidou, Emmanouil BarmpounakisPanagiotis PapantoniouIoanna Pagoni and Dimosthenis Pavlou PhD students and Evanthia Thanou graduate student of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of NTUA were awarded with the NTUA Thomaidion Award for outstanding publications in scientific journals or conferences proceedings for the year 2015. pdf

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NTUA ranked 3rd in Europe for scientific citations in transport, November 2016

According to a recent University Ranking, based on the number of references in scientific journals over the last decade (2007-2016) in the field of transportation, NTUA ranks 3rd in Europe and 19th worldwide (h-index: 26). The Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens has contributed largely to this excellent performance and road safety was one of the main components. icon.url

”Dimitrios Tsamboulas” award in Transportation 2016-2017, November 2016

The Hellenic Chambers Transport Association introduces the Annual award ”Dimitrios Tsamboulas”, to honour the late Dimitrios Tsamboulas, Professor of NTUA, for his contribution to the Greek transportation system.
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Diploma Theses Exams, November 2016

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with great success on November, 2rd and 4th, 2016.

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Dimosthenis Pavlou defended his PhD Thesis on cognition and driving, September 2016

Dimosthenis Pavlou has successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled: Traffic and safety behaviour of drivers with neurological diseases affecting cognitive functions. This PhD thesis was carried out at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens under the supervision of Prof. George Yannis. Read more

Emeritus Professor Apostolos Yotis, 1928 – 2016

Apostolos Yotis, Emeritus Professor of the School of Civil Engineering NTUA and for many years Chairman of the School, Director of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering and of the Highway Engineering Laboratory,  passed away on August 19th 2016.

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Evangelos Mintsis PhD Student awarded IKY – Siemens Scholarship, August 2016

Evangelos Mintsis, PhD Candidate at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering in the School of Civil Engineering NTUA, has been awarded a scholarship within the context of the IKY-SIEMENS Research Program for Excellence regarding his dissertation entitled “Analysis and Upgrade of the Operations of Cooperative Intelligent Transportations Systems in Urban Networks”.

Diploma Theses Exams, July 2016

The examination of the Diploma Theses of the undergraduate students of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering took place with great success on July, 11th and 15th, 2016.

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IFSTTAR Research Director Sylvain Lassare Lecture at NTUA, June 2016

Dr. Sylvain Lassarre, Emeritus Research Director  of the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR) gave an invited lecture titled: “Decision, Knowledge and Science in road safety” which took place with great success on June 24th 2016, at the Amphitheater of Railways and Transport of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of NTUA”.

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