Alexandra Laiou
Phd Candidate
Traffic Engineering Laboratory
off: room 101, 2nd floor, Materials Building, NTUA Campus
tel: (+30) 210.772.4715
website: www.nrso.ntua.gr/alaiou/
Ms Alexandra Laiou is a Civil-Transportation Engineer, Senior Research Associate and PhD candidate in the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) also working as a freelancer Transportation Engineer. She holds a Civil Engineering Diploma from NTUA majoring in Transportation Engineering and an MSc in Construction Project Management from Edinburgh Napier University. She speaks Greek (native speaker), English (fluently) and French (sufficiently).
She has over 18 years of experience in transportation planning and engineering, specializing in road safety, engineering project management and transportation planning and management. She has participated in both the technical and administrative/managerial part of more than 40 research and engineering projects in Greece and abroad for the European Commission, other International Organisations (OECD, CEDR, ESRA) and national (Greek or not) public and private authorities (Ministries, Research Authorities, Motorway Concessionaires, private companies). Those projects received funding through several different funding schemes (HORIZON2020, FP7, South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, TEMPUS, DG MOVE service contracts, CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme, Norwegian Research Council funds).
She has more than 100 scientific publications in the field of transport planning and engineering (2 Diploma Theses, 22 papers in scientific journals with referees, 8 papers in scientific journals of conference proceedings, 70 papers in conference proceedings with paper review) and more than 65 presentations at international conferences.
She is a reviewer of papers to be published in scientific journals and international conferences in the field of transport. She has participated in more than 40 scientific conferences and workshops and has been member of the scientific and organising committees of road safety events in Greece and abroad.
Detailed information can be found at: www.nrso.ntua.gr/alaiou