Eleni Mantouka is a PhD, Civil Engineer and Senior Researcher at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the NTUA.Since 2016, she holds a diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens majored in Transportation Engineering, while in 2022 she received her Doctor of Philosophyfrom NTUA. She has worked in the private sector as a Transportation Analyst – Researcher, has participated in European Research Projects and has prepared proposals for both national and European calls. Her research experience ranges from simple descriptive statistics to machine and deep learning with a particular focus on identifying driving behaviour and mobility patterns in urban networks. In addition, other research interests include exploration of urban mobility, intelligent transport systems and sustainable and smart mobility. Until now (2022) she is a reviewer for 8 peer-reviewed journals and has published 11 papers in scientific journals and 20 papers in scientific conferences. Finally, she has completed her PhD thesis with a scholarship from the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and she has received the NTUA Thomaidio Award for exceptional publication in an International Conference (2018).
Her PhD Dissertation entitled “Deep Reinforcement Leaning Traffic Models for Personalized Driving Recommendations” was carried out in the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering NTUA under the supervision of Eleni Vlahogianni, Associate Professor NTUA. The thesis is publicly available at the following link: https://www.didaktorika.gr/eadd/handle/10442/50994