Dr. Maria Pomoni
Phd Research Associate
Pavement Engineering Laboratory

off: room 126, 1st floor, Materials Building, NTUA Campus
tel: (+30) 210.772.1281

email: mpomoni@central.ntua.gr
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Dr. Maria Pomoni is a PhD Civil Engineer (NTUA, 2021) and a Research Associate at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. She has published numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. Dr. Pomoni has been awarded by the State Scholarships Foundation for her PhD studies and cooperated with the University of Gustave Eiffel (France) during this period. In 2021, she defended her Doctoral thesis entitled: “Investigation of asphalt pavements surface friction in the framework of sustainable road infrastructures” under the supervision of Dr. Christina Plati.