Andreas Loizos
Professor Emeritus
Pavement Engineering Laboratory
off: room 79, 1st floor, Materials Building, NTUA Campus
tel: (+30) 210.772.1341
website: http://pavnet.civil.ntua.gr/loizos
Dr. Andreas Loizos holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), a Dr.-Ing. Degree in Pavement Engineering Mechanics from the University of Hannover/Germany and a post doctoral scholar of the German Research Council (DFG). Since 2006 he is Full Professor of Pavement Engineering at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering and he is also the Director of the Laboratory of Highway (Pavement) Engineering of NTUA. His main interests include road and airfields pavement engineering, geophysical measurements in pavements, as well as aspects of railway track assessment. More specifically he is involved in aspects concerning pavement mechanics and characterization of pavement materials in the laboratory and performance in the field, functional and structural evaluation of pavements, pavement monitoring, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and managements systems, as well as pavement rehabilitation. He has been involved in a numerous research programs at national and international level and he has been a member of several international committees and working groups concerning pavement issues among others ASTM, RILEM, ISAP, TRB, PIARC, ISSMGE and others. He is the RC (Research Coordinator) of Greece at the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL), in terms of the Greek FEHRL Group. At European level he has been involved in numerous European Union’s Working Groups, COST actions and FP7 projects. He has given internationally a number of presentations as invited or keynote speaker and has published numerous of papers and technical reports; his contributions have appeared in international journals of pavement and transportation engineering as well as in several International Conference Proceedings and citations. He is also the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Pavement Engineering (IJPE), member of the Editorial Board of several international journals and the Guest Editor in several Special Issues as well as the Editor of several proceedings as a Chairman and Co-Chairman of International Pavement Conferences concerning road and airfield pavements, as among others the Coordinator of the ISSMGE’04 International Seminar on Geotechnics in Pavement and Railway Design and Construction (2004) Athens, the co-Editor of ‘Advanced Characterization of Pavement and Soil Engineering Materials’ by Taylor & Francis 2007, he was the Co-Chairman of the 6th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements (2008) in Chicago and the 7th RILEM International Symposium on Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials (2009) in Rhodes and the Co-Chairman of the 7th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements (2012) in Delft as well as the co-Editor of the RILEM proceedings.